Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Visual Presentation "What Astrology Can Do For You"

Visual Presentation


Prelude to Forthcoming Book of the Same Title

What Astrology Can Do For You

In this image-rich, 90 minute visual presentation, Michael will guide you to gain insight and overview about how and why Astrology works and, most importantly, what it can do for you.

How and why Astrology works reveals a conscious universe which is also testimony to your inherent spiritual nature. This profound, mystical peak into the inner working of existence provides an important rationale that supports the very real notion of destiny.

This inner blue-print even precedes the outer creation, which began as the cosmos itself. This is where we get intimations of the primordial fire that was ignited by the divine breath. Beneath this breath of spirit or pneuma which provides the fuel for the spark and fire of life, we discover the idea, moreover, the plan, and as suggested the consequent blue print. This is a hint at the esoteric or hidden science upon which Astrology is founded. In the outer manifestation, we can speak of oneness, of unity and of holism.

An Astrology Chart, cast at the time of birth, reveals a Mandala Mao upon which are plotted the actual positions of the planets, Sun and Moon. The relationships they form, subject to logical schemes and rules akin to those which we find in any language, mechanical device musical score and so on, reveal profound insights into human character and destiny, which is woven in and with the rhythms and cycles that we measure as time.

This map divided into, 4, 8 and 12 segments which are each given names and titles upon which the planets and lights are plotted and which are also illustrated in the form of symbolic codes, produces not just a language, but a coherent story fully woven with themes, plots, character and settings.

This story is indeed a drama, complete with beginnings, peak moments and endings too.  And yet, it is also a comedy and a love story too. And we may also describe this dramatic story as an epic poem, and poems within poems, plots within plots, all sourced from divine intent.  Our stories speak of trial and tribulation, success and defeat of hopes and dreams and, ambitions and aspirations and so much more.

Actors in the plot, we do not simply even deftly repeat rehearsed lines and emotions, in many respects we improvise, cooperate and co-create in this never-ending story. Still, there are ideals and things that not only we but life itself wants us to and even hopes that we achieve.

Yet, we need help. We need insight and guidance and knowledge of when and when not to and direction just as is true in any good journey or voyage, if you like. This is where the map, the archetypal map that Astrology is weaves the reality of who you are with where you are destined, which is actually more a state of mind, a rich collections of experiences, that it is a particular place.

This journey is comprised of relationships, those which form us in our infancy and youth, and of turning points and timing, of high points, challenging periods and illness, of opportunity and aspiration to education, career and investments which we hope will bring big and meaningful returns, if only we had more insight and direction. Of course there are other themes and plots as well and because it is an archetypal, blueprint language of life, Astrology can provide insights for virtually all of them.

This is where the many practical tools and techniques come to the fore. So, I invite you out to learn more and to discover the very rich world of Astrology and the many gifts it has to offer. Please bring a friend or two as well and thank you in advance for being here. No knowledge of or prior experience with Astrology required.

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